"Work on Liverpool FC’s new training facility in Kirkby is gathering pace."
"The state-of the art facilities comprise of two gyms, a full-size sports hall, pool, hydrotherapy complex and specialist sports rehabilitation suites. There are also dedicated TV studios, press conference facilities and offices."

"Enterprise Minister visits Warwick Engineering"
"Arlene Foster, Minister of Enterprise, Trade & Investment along with Mervyn Storey MLA congratulating Warwick Engineering (NI) Ltd. on their recent success for the EN 1090-1 & EN 1090-2 accreditation."

Unite Student Accomodation
Our spiral stair at Unite Student Accommodation Liverpool for McAleer & Rushe taking shape. We supplied the stair structure & balustrades complete with S/S handrail incorporating LED lights.
3rd September 2019
Sevenoakes SEC Building, Kent
Another successful handrail install in Kent today for Warwick engineering, even with a 7 day turnaround from order to install.
2nd August 2019